Rejuvenate Your Bedroom and Closet

Whenever someone calls me and they have an entire house that needs to be organized, I always recommend we start with the bedroom and bedroom closet? Why? Because if you think about it, both areas have a great impact on how you feel throughout the day and when you sleep at night because it’s the first place you see in the morning, and the last place you see at night.

Your bedroom is meant to be a place to relax and unwind. A sanctuary from the hustle and bustle of the day where you can chill and rejuventate your energy and spirit. It’s also a place that allows you to potentially set a boundary that you have a space in your home that you can call your own. Now, if you are living with someone, of course, the space won’t truly be all yours. But, you can still stake claim to something that can be all your own in your bedroom. Maybe it’s a reading chair. Maybe you got to choose the colors of the wall or the bedding or the furniture all on your own. How about a spot on your bathroom vanity where you get to put a basket that is all of your perfume and lotions. All these little “me zones” will send out the energy that you are placing importance on your self care and valuing that you too have needs for space, comfort, relaxation and passion.

Organizing and decorating these areas can help you see amazing shifts in your life, including your relationships, self esteem and energy. However, if your room isn’t in the condition that is most harmonizing for you, you will create blocks in your life in one or several life areas including relationships, career, finances, health, friends and family. Besides having clutter in your bedroom there are several other potential contributors that can create blocks in your life areas. To name a few:

1) Having electronics like a tv or computer in your bedroom because the EMF messes with your energy field
2) The color blue because blue tends to create a more subdued and chilly feeling rather than a cozy and passionate feeling.
3) Pictures or items that depict being alone (unless of course you want that)
4) A bed pushed up against the wall or a set up that only works for a single person
5) Too many stuffed animals or pillows on the bed
6) Putting items under the bed or have something hanging over your head
7) Having your feet facing directly in front of the door
8) Having an uncomfortable bed or uncomfortable and un-attractive bedding

If you have anyone of these going on, just know you are creating a block in your space. And then you have a choice, you can either keep it that way and accept the consequences of a negative block in your life, or you can say the item is not worth the block and then get rid of it or make whatever changes you are ready for. It’s just a choice.

Here’s some ways that you can make changes in your bedroom to create that peace and passion you know you crave.

• Use colors on the wall that match the many variances in colors of skin tone like: beige, purple and reds.
• By new pillows and bedding
• Put out candles
• Find a home for everything
• Change the position of the bed and furniture
• Use a Chinese screen for a headboard and hang a canopy
• Put out artwork that depicts tranquil or romantic images
• Put curtains over mirrored doors to get the energy more calm in your room

What your bedroom might be saying about you
Here’s the bottom line. If your bedroom isn’t set up in a way that feels good to you because of clutter or an un-inspiring style, there’s a chance you are not valuing yourself or place enough importance on self-care and nurturing of the quality of your relationships. You may also be experiencing boundary issues, especially if you are a parent. I know this statement will resonate with quite a few of you moms out there.

Now for your closets

Your bedroom closet is another area to pay attention to. It carries in there, how you are choosing to show up in the world and again, the value and self care you place on yourself. It’s been proven to me time and time again working with my female clients, that the condition of a woman’s closet is very closely connected to her self esteem. Just because someone has a ton of clothes and maybe expensive clothes doesn’t mean she has a high self esteem. You can have a whole closet full of clothes which would make it appear as though you have a high self esteem. She could be a shop-a-holic because it makes her feel better about herself. So it’s not so much what you have and how much of it you have. Rather it’s more about how well are you treating it. And if you are treating that space, your clothes, your jewelry with care and adoration that will be come back to you. But if you can look at anything in your closet and say I hate it, or I like but, or I should keep it then you are not getting the care and adoration directed back at you.

So let’s talk about some issues you may be having in your closet and some solutions.

Closet Issues

1) Your closet may be too small
2) There may be outdated clothes or clothes that need repair that you’ll never do
3) Your closet looks more functional and un-inspiring then lively and inspiring
4) Your jewelry isn’t being displayed or organized beautifully
5) Your clothes are shoved together and you can’t find items easily
6) You may have too many other items in your closet that aren’t related to getting ready
7) Your partner’s side may be driving you crazy

Now here are some things you can do to create a fabulous closet that makes you feel better about being you and is in alignment with where you are now.


• A double hanging rod to expand the space
• A clean and a dirty laundry basket
• Hanging bags with shelves
• Decorative bins with girly colors
• A jewelry organizer or hooks
• Take out any clothes that don’t fit, feel and look good on and you’ll never repair
• Help your partner organize their side in baby steps
• Use shelf dividers to help items from toppling over

What your closet might be saying about you

Much like the bedroom, the closet also can reflect a minimizing of self care and under-valuing. But there may be some additional beliefs and attitudes going on here as well.

1) You have a low self esteem and/or a rebellious attitude and as a defense mechanism, you have shut yourself down from caring (or at least pretending to do so) how you feel about yourself and how others feels about or perceive you.

2) You may be living more of a functional life where you’re just trying to get everything done and not taking the time out to attend to your needs and desires. Also, a by-product many times of being a parent.

So peeps, if you want to see leaps and bounds in your energy, your relationships and your self love, please do yourself a favor and take care of your bedroom and bedroom closet. If you do, by energetic law it will turn around and take care of you.